Friday, January 17, 2025

Decorate the Power Poles

Why can't our power poles be decorated like this?
It looks so good. (This guy is my cousin, Natasha Jones, new husband). I have decided to paint flowers on the poles outside my house, at some stage soon. I even got out my acrylic paints in preparation. Will have to trace pattern in pencil first.

I spread out the mulch

This morning I rose at 5.30 and began the last of the lifting of the mulch pile from my tree trimming. Finally got it done! I feel proud.
I will need to mow the lawn this arvie. Fortunately, I picked up my mower from the repairs (Griffiths Mowers, Booval) yesterday so it should be good to go. The mulch is sitting in piles all over the yard, waiting to be spread out.
I spent some time spreading out the mulch, as much as I could before I became too tired. I also wanted to break up the clumps of composting heat that built up in the piles. The steam rose off it and the heat was amazing. Hot composting really IS a thing. It looks pretty good now that it is spread. Almost as good as a chunky muesli - good enough to eat!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

So pretty - January

Pic of house from front (Ripley Road) side, before new roof (March '25).

Measuring up for awnings - Shaderite

I need 2-3 dark awnings for the front of the house, as during Summer, as the house end faces West, the sun BEATS in there like anything. Guy called Eric came out from Shaderite, based in Banyo. Weird creepy bloke.
Colours - if I were getting aluminium (over $7000, so nooo...) I would want the Anvil grey colour. I am instead having the Ebony shade cloth colour.
Since I have had the trees trimmed, it is even hotter...and today is going to be 38 degrees C. Intolerable. Pic of trimmed poinciana. Poor thing. I am timing the appearance of the first new shoot!

Mulch and more mulch

Arose at 5.15 this morning to get more of the mulch pile lifted into the garden, in piles so I can flatten and spread it out later. Just as long as it is off the sidewalk. It is a huge pile but I am keeping going, distributing it round the garden.
I know that I can only do about 2 hours at a time, not rushing myself. My body is not as supple as it once was, and this will probably be the last time I can do a big-pile mulch lift. If the trees take another 9-10 years to grow back big, then it will be 10 years until I have a big mulchy pile again - and I will be 76. I will not be able to do the physical labour at that age. I am already aching! So...I'll keep going. Noticeably, absolutely and as usual, NO help from family, at all.