Monday, August 31, 2020

Aroma diffuser

 Bought one from KMart.

This is Amy Greens, which I really like.

Catty plates


Stick visitor and driveway from the road

 A very pale little visitor - I'd never seen a white preying mantis before.

I thought it all looked rather nice, but the photos does not quite capture it as I saw it.

Virginia Creeper Spring 2020

3 Sept 2020 - Leaves much bigger already!

 29 August 2020 - After months of just bare sticks, finally, with the warmer temps, there are new leaves budding on the vine!

Blakeana growth: updates Aug - end Oct 2020

 August 30, 2020 - 

 7 Sept 2020 - she's so beautiful.

8 September - I just love this tree - taken at 6.45 am.

19 October - it's looking very stringy, with just the seed pods hanging down, but there are clumps of leaves newly sprouted, which give me hope for a leafy future!

29 Oct 2020 - pic of the seeds I have collected from fallen pods so far.

31 Oct - Happily, as the seed pods drop, new leaves appear in bunches along the branches. 
This makes it look young and fresh.
And I am thrilled that eventually, this tree will help block out the sight of that ghastly power pole.

31 Oct - Seed haul so far -

4 Nov - greening up with new leaves:

Native hibiscus 2020

 Blooms after Winter - 

4 Nov 2020 - buds

29 Nov - it died down to a stick and is slowly coming back.

Brunfelsia 2020

 New Spring blooms after Winter - I've been giving it a bit of water lately too.

5 Sept 2020 -

7 Sept - 

10 Sept 2020 - more and more flowers!

11 Sept 2020 - Even more flowers! So pretty - the photos are not showing it as well as in reality.

20 Sept -