Sunday, May 3, 2020


Anne's bamboo

Flower views

Recent pics of moi

Magpie visitor

It's the first time I have seen a birdie using my improvised bird bath, and confirmation that it IS used!

So cute.

Wisteria losing leaves for the coming winter

Painting the back fence again

9 May - Fence at back finally finished - at least, the first coat! No idea when the second will happen. For now, it's enough. At around 1pm, I made the final strokes in the corner and that's it for now. I really like the look of it.

This will look god when the grass is there, and green again!

8 May 2020 -

3 May - Bit more done this morning. I am amazed at the difference - for the good!

A quarter of a corner...

The 'before' - unpainted - and some 'back history' HERE