Sunday, June 2, 2019

I worked hard in the garden this weekend

Mowed all the lawns, raked, put out the coffee grounds, trimmed the bougs growing too tall, and the red robins, went to Bunnings to buy potting mix and seedlings, planted tomatos, lettuce, sweet peas and petunias for colour, and watered everything as there was not enough rain falling today. Busy.

Tomatoes and lettuce where the green support is, sweet peas and petunias closer to the front of this pic.

The girls love being outside with me when I am pottering about in the garden (not when I am whip-snipping, mowing or blowing!). They lie all over the car roof in the sun, or in this case, Tutti lolling all over the staircase! Lovely girl.

Tiina in the garden

Sweet girl, Saturday afternoon, 1 June, 2019.