Saturday, July 8, 2017

New sofa - delivered today - and styling

'New' sofa delivered - looks good but there is still some decorating to be done.

Finished up with this today, but I know it will change again! 

For one thing, Tiina promptly climbed up and knocked off the lovely green bottle....little beast. It's in a million tiny pieces.

Coloured roses and new flowers

Our team went to lunch at Cafe 63 in East Brisbane yesterday, before the new term officially started.
They were selling these roses - apparently colored by dyes as they grow. Not sure I believe that, but they were certainly pretty.

Bought these today - fake but good quality, and fab for morale!

First winter walk round the block

Decided to get moving again this morning. Took a few photos. Was gratified to find that I did become warm, and I had no breath difficulties at all - could keep going at a good pace, after so much inactivity. Maybe it's the stairs at work that are good for us!

Photos of lovely things around and in people's gardens.