Monday, October 29, 2018

Moved the dwarf crepe myrtles

The ground was very moist from recent rains, so here's hoping they survive the transplant process. One is pink and in flower. I have no idea what colour the other one is - yet!

10 Nov - the pink one is looking good, and has recovered from the move, I think. Multiple waterings have encouraged it to flower.

This one needs a prune to help it recover, I reckon (below).

1 Nov 2019 - the one nearest the large brown pot near the left gate (from inside), is quite tiny. It's a pretty cerise colour.

Blue salvias + updates

Mum's are such a beautiful colour, I thought I would plant some myself. 
I need more to fill this bed though.

Update 12 Nov 2018: looking lovely although I will have to repot them now, as I want to rake this spare soil over the lawn, from the old garden beds. I decided I didn't want them to clutter up the lawn any more.

26 Nov 2018: I decided to get rid of these garden beds, smooth over the soil and redistribute it, and move the salvias. I hope they grow still. Mum reckons they keep coming back, so...

Planted the blue salvia in the garden, some in a pot. Also added one of Mum's red salvias - so pretty!
15 July 2019 - the first red flower is up.

Lovely, but still so small!

15 Sept 2019 - lovely and big now!

Front fence, with pink coral + updates

The pink coral is slowly coming back into flower, and is climbing further up my new taller fence.

10 Nov - lots of new growth!

Here's how it is looking 21 Nov 2018: Coming along and growing up there very nicely!

25 Nov 2018:

25 March 2019: still burgeoning