Saturday, November 10, 2018

Monstera deliciosa flower?

White oleander to flower!

16 Nov 2018:

24 Nov 2018:

27 Nov 2018: ..aaaaand flowered! So clean, and pretty.

28 Nov 2018:

13 July, 2019 - I moved this plant to the back garden, along the edge of the garden beds. It seems to have survived the move and looks like it's growing ok, and getting taller. I do like the pretty striated leaves in the sunshine.

Still a young small plant though.

17 July 2019 - I'm liking her getting taller.

9 August, 2019 - It has recently grown very tall, and I notice lots of buds!

18 August, 2019 - Almost there....

20 August, 2019 - 

27 Aug - Et voila!


5 Sept 2019 -

Gardenia about to flower for the first time!

Look at those huge, full green buds!

Update 12 Nov 2018: first bud beginning to open -

Aaaaand...lift off! 13 Nov 2018 Such a sweet perfume, too.

Bird bath petunias

There's pretty blue lobelia scattred in there, and light grey/green dichondra at the front.

Garden shots after mowing today

Spreading out the soil from the old garden beds around the lawn.

Flame Tree about to flower?

This morning I thought it rather odd that many leaves from the flame tree had dried and fallen on the ground. I looked more closely and lo! I believe it is about to flower. Leaves off, small orange buds, new growth.

Flame trees elsewhere - the way it is supposed to look -

Stimson Park, Moorooka

28 Nov 2018: Stimson Park again, on the fade - 

Looking a bit derelict now that the fire has gone!

5 Dec 2018:

Grounds of Churchie Child Care Centre:

Update 15 Nov 2018: Flowers appearing as leaves fall.

Pretty girls posing outside in the garden

10 Nov 2018: Tiina, in the morning sunshine

Taffy (Sapphira)

She's so sweet!


Tiina, outside, early Sat morning, on 24 Nov 2018:

Taffy, on the garden chair, early morning 2 Dec 2018 -