Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Started painting the back fence + updates

At last, I decided what to do first with the sample pot of Dulux Domino colour that I have had for a while. I thought doing a panel of the back fence would show whether or not it was a good idea for that area.

I believe it looks good, and makes the greenery pop, not to mention the white. So, I'll do the rest of the fence in the same colour, eventually.

It was lovely outside there in sun - middle of winter, wearing shorts and a t-shirt! I wanted to get this done today, as we are going out tomorrow, and it will rain, according to the forecast, from Thursday for four days.

I think the whole fence in that colour will look great. It sets off the flowers and all around it.

26 Nov 2019 - And ta-da! I finally bought more paint, at the other end of this year!, to continue the fence paint and out the back. Dulux Domino of course.

Replanted the bird bath + updates

This was a fun project, although I am not sure there is enough dirt in there. I didn't have potting mix, so maybe I will load up again another time. There are multi-coloured petunias and pansies in there.

I wanted to get this done today, as tomorrow, I will be out, and there will be rain apparently for four days from Thursday. At least the baby planties will get some sun and rain.

I also spread around the small bag of lime that I have had for ages. Apparently it helps stuff to decompose, so I thought it timely on the mulch.

25 July, 2019- 

The flowers awaken!

6 August, 2019 - latest BB shot

7 August, 2019 - 

Mulch distrib stages

June 26

June 27

June 29

June 30

1 July

Pretty garden pic

Mulch distributed! Job done.

I worked from 10am to after 5pm today - my bones and back ached, but I took Nurofen, to get the job finished. I do feel so pleased that I did it all! Over all, I believe it has taken about 16 hours to get it done, and I hope the garden benefits from all the luscious mulchy bits.
Mulch pile gone!

HERE is a great summary of  what arborist mulch can do for the garden.

Unswept edges, but loads of chippy goodness on the veggie patch. The plants under the original pile (azalea, and dragonfruit) seemed none the worse for wear (and composting heat).

Swept edges -

Oh how great that things are 'greening up' in there - 

Garden top-end - so much neater.

It will look better once the hedge and veggies have grown up further.

At the end of the day, I swept out the back, and watered the whole garden. It will not be until next Thursday (another 3 days away) until it is predicted to rain again, so they needed a wee drink. Got in for a shower around 6pm!

Taffy supervises the work today! 1 July 2019

Whilst I slaved away at distributing the mulch around the garden, Taffy kept me company, sleeping on the car cover, in the sun. It was 25 F today, so it was lovely to be working outside. I was in a t-shirt and shorts, in the middle of winter!!

Later, as the day warmed up, I put the cover over the car, and Taffy found a cardboard surface suited her. Was probably cooler. As long as she was with her Mama!

Mum came over for morning tea, and enjoyed swinging in the egg chair.