Sunday, October 2, 2016

First home grown lemon!

Picked today!

Free plants from the Council!

Ipswich City Council (ICC) gives rate payers 6 free plants per year. Mum gave me her allotment this year, so I took both rates notices (mine and hers) up to Queens Park when they opened at 8 am yesterday (Sat 1 Oct 2016) to collect. (More info about this beautiful park HERE, and HERE)

And these are the plants I chose!

 6 lilli-pillies!

Latest house view, 2 October 2016

Taken from the Meiers corner of the street...(I really think that telegraph pole needs the trompe l'oeil treatment so we don't notice it!)

and from the 'Mark and Lisa' side of the street...

Wait till I get my fence, and lattice, and carport, and cottage, and go up on the main building...and...and...and...!