Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Interior by night

The main living area - at night. Still a ways to go to tidy and make it better, but it is better than it was.

Insect life

It must be Spring!

Little ladybird - 

I have seen two large carpenter bees in the garden - one was dead, but in the garden when we were land-clearing when I first moved in. The other was recently, buzzing around the white plumbago. 

Apparently they do no harm, but are pretty intimidating because of their size! 

This one was the one found in my yard, July 15, 2015.

Apparently the females are the ones with yellow abdo's, so...that's good! We only do girls here.

25 Sept 2019 - Ladies doing lunch -

19 Sept 2020 - Baby snail. So tiny!

Tiina on the laundry pile!

One of her favourite places to sleep.

Yellow squash (marrow)

These are for Diana, parent of a kid at work.

24 Sept 2019 -  The latest pickings, about a hand length each.

1 Oct 2019 - More growing, but I still don't know how to use them properly.

28 Oct 2019 - 

Veg progress

Little tomatoes!

Sweet peas!

Yellow squash


Pumpkins going gang-busters -