Monday, January 18, 2021

Can you say 'profusion'?


This kitty is a climber

 The others did not climb, but this one is!

Older kitties, lolling about, Dec 2020 to Jan 2021


More new baby kitty Rose

 From Dec 2020 to Jan 2021 -

She has begun to lap water from the container in the bathroom, which is good. I keep it fresh and clean.

And, good news, she has begun to sleep with Tutti and not annoy her!

21 Nov 2021 - 

22 Nov 2020 -  I wormed her this morning (Capstar tab) but she sicked up all over my bed! Had to wash the sheets again.

30 March 2021 - This baby has grown so much. Here she is cavorting around outside the gate as I prepare to leave home to drive to work.

Kitty family in the new year


Rose is fond of continually tormenting Tutti, but that is easing off some now. She still jumps her but more frequently is after her swishing tail when she is annoyed. I have caught them sleeping in the same space together lately which I hope augurs well!


Pink frangi from Justine

 Visited Justine for the first time this year. Had coffee and a chat about school, and came away with  a couple of cuttings from her beautiful frangi tree. I will put these in the front and back yards.