Friday, July 2, 2021

Orange creeper - more

 I bought another creeper to put along the fence facing Mum's place. I think with the potato vine, it should look quite pretty with the white. I still need to remove the pink coral along that side, but will do that when it is drier and both replacements have grown up a bit more.

Lots of further info about this plant HERE

7 July - when Mum and I were out and about recently at Bundamba (near Mum's Bendigo Bank offices), we spotted this amazing lot of the same orange creeper, growing up trees and along a very long, and quite high, fence.

Garden at 'maintenance' level

 I am pleased that, for the most part, my garden is at the stage where I maintain it's growth and keep things tidy. Many trees have yet to grow to full height but I am enjoying watching them on their way, and mostly only have to rake leaves and mow grass now. There is less serious planting going on, although I do put in new ground coves and some creepers. There are some gaps in the front fence that need filling and I am looking to hardenbergia for solutions to that.

I keep most of my plant labels collected in this bag.

This is the creeping ground cover I have in the front. I'm planning to sew it everywhere, especially under the fence line at the front, so it spills out onto the verge.

White oleander - new growth

 I had earlier trimmed the height of the white oleander at the back garden. I wanted it to fill out a bit more. I noticed it has a shoot coming out from the main trunk and have fostered it's growth.

Red bougainvillea

 Decided to shell out for on from Bunnings and planted it in the garden yesterday, July 1. I put it on the side out the back, to add some thorny protection along that back fence.

New cassias - 'Easter trees'

Finally got some for myself. Bought these from Daley's Nursery, sent up from NSW. They look like they're growing.

I have planted them out in a couple of pots for now, until they get large enough to be in their own pot. Then, when they are bigger, I'll put them in a row of 3 behind the shed. The fourth will go in the front garden.

Early signs of new growth?

 I am not aware of it having been unusually warm, as it IS Winter, but neither has it been fiercely cold, I don't think.

I have noticed signs of Spring-ish growth on some of my plants and find it quite bewildering, as it is much too early for these signs really.

The grape vines:

The wisteria has buds:

The mulberry has some new growth and even a tiny new mulberry under there.

Been home 6 years on July 1.

 I'm still processing my 'other' lives with this one. I have so much documentation, photos and other paraphernalia to wade through yet to finally 'settle'.

I am gradually getting to it, but I reckon it's going to take me close to 10 years to finish it, and to feel sort of 'in one place'. I'm not sure yet how I feel about that. I only know that as this is currently my base, it is so precious to me.

Mess to be yet sorted.

Some of it is being thrust into the drawers of these cabinets, so at least it is off the ground and in one place by type. I'll get round to sorting and organising the contents later.