Monday, November 27, 2017

Fabulous Tropical Garden Ideas

My plan is to create a tropical garden, in the likes of THIS and THIS, at Sunnybank.

Oh how I wish Dennis Hundscheidt would come over and help me plan my garden.

and THIS is one I like too, especially the waterfall.


Fab recent pics

I created the above, after 2 years, from this...

and later, when cleared, this...

so the next two years should be significant in terms of growth. 

A galline 'Abbey Road'!

Galline - pertaining to the chicken.

Just as feline = cat, canine - dog, etc.

Poinciana shade + updates

I'm starting to see some shade from this tree - I only wish it would spread out a bit more and go sideways with its branches.

28 Jan, 2019: It's grown some!

Recent mow pics

I exhausted myself on the weekend, whipping and snipping, and mowing and trimming. I can hardly move today and I am SOOO tired.
Nothing much seems to be growing fast at the moment and I am a bit discouraged.

Side garden pics

Three girls in the morning

A lot nicer than this....(from 2015)...