Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Grape vine #1 reaches the top!

Finally! I so wish it would spread sideways, but I think the fence is too hot. I need another creeper to cover it quickly so others have something to cling to that does not get hot. Ficus, I hope to get from the nursery in about a month.

Update: 24 Feb 2016

Its still travelling very well, and is trailing over the top of the pergola now. More, please, more!!

I wired the climber at the back

It would be nice if this would climb all over the fence though I fear it might get too hot. If the grape vine would only spread sideways more, then this might have something more bio to cling to.

UPDATE 3 March 2016: This climber continues to proceed gaily upwards. I have extended the original wire with a jute line, leading to the top of the fence. This is the junction, below -

I don;t know why these are loading sideways

and this is the whole as is today

The furry girls

Janey with 'robo-cop' eyes, and Saffy, in the foliage.

Ye flame tree burgeoneth

See! see! see! New leaves bursteth forth!


Update 24 Feb 2016: the leaves have grown fast and there is a whole new 'storey' atop the original...

The feathery girls - Dorothea

Sweet little girl.

Morning View #3

The plants HAVE grown. The house desparately needs a repaint.