For all intents and purposes, the back garden is done. The plants and shade-trees are growing around the edge; the bark garden which will be hedge eventually, around the bird-bath, is all planted, and edged; and all I want to do is make sure the lawn is nice grass and mown.
I'm pretty pleased with it at this early stage.I want to plant a pink and a white frangipani on the edges of the shed, for shade, with the figgy in the middle, espaliered.
I still need to lay the drainage pipe and agi-fabric behind the shed and this side of the retaining wall, as well as fill it in with extra soil. I have been putting it off as I am scared of not doing it right. However, after recent heavy downpours, and no flooding problem into the shed from the retaining wall at the back, as far as I can see, I don't think I need to worry too much. It will just help with extreme run-off.
24 Jan 2021 - This top end is growing so painfully slowly. Maybe the soil needs some serious feeding.