Thursday, March 10, 2016

Janey through the doorway

She's never walked along here before. I watched her stalking along the railing. She's a beautiful cat.

I should have called her 'Shadow'!

Window-sill display

I've been pruning the poinciana so that it grows straight and tall in the trunk before splitting off and spreading. Now and again, I trim the lower leaves, which I suspect would grow into branches. I want a tall trunk first, and shading, HIGH branches.

Anyway, cut off one of the leaves yesterday and put it in a vase on the windowsill. Pretty.

We're flowering!

Mandevilla, out the front. Last gasp for the summer, maybe?

I do want to move this but right now, it's twining around the front pole quite nicely, so will leave it for the time being. If it shrivels during winter, I'll move it then.

UPDATE as at 21 October 2016: Well, it survived the winter, and has progressed nicely....

Another frangi cutting

Snapped off a bit of this locally, when I called by to ask for it. No one home, and it was spilling out over the street. So...

Gorgeous! However, it very quickly shrivelled and I wonder whether it will be any good. May have to drive-by again....

A beautiful portrait

Saffy - reclining. What a lovely girl. Fat thing!

Last winter flower?

The bougainvillea at the front fence is showing signs of a tiny flower - perhaps the last for the summer? I don't know whether they 'do their thing' during the depths of winter'?

I like the colour anyway.

Update 20 March 2016 - pretty brachts seem to be flowering.

Lemon tree very pretty

I have a tiny fruit! Noticed it two days ago - what a nice surprise. I wonder what will come of it - will it wither and die...or come to something?

Update 22 March 2016: The fruit is a little bigger!

Ficus pumila #1

No, not peas...

It's my new ficus! The creeping type which covers ugly things in the garden, eventually.

I had a call from Lisa at the local Plants Plus, to say they had finally come in..and so trotted off to get one. I would like 4 of them, but can't afford that just now. They are lovely, fresh and green.

Will buy another today - where will I put it for best effect? I have a couple of ideas.

I'm after more horse poo too. I just went round this morning collecting the chook poo and placing it on the side garden out back. Anything to support those plants - the 'soil', such as it is (rubble really) is crappy and I'm struggling to keep things alive therein.