Thursday, May 24, 2018

How the front once looked...and now

 Below: Oct 2016

Below: Oct 2017

Below: Nov 2017

Below: May 2018

June 2019:

Stuff stuffed in all sorts of places!

As it was when I got it...

Full of stuff from storage shed...

Leftovers, after most is loaded into full container...

Bits left in the utilities walk whilst back end is built...

Desert rose flowers + updates

First flower at my place. So pretty.

10 Sept - it rained a bit lately, and the desert rose has so many flowers on it. It is so pretty. I just hope this is not it's last gasp.

2 Nov 2018: Seed pods!

I have wrapped up the pods in twine, so that they do not split.
When they dry and open up, I can snip them off and save the seeds, and perhaps sew them.

21 Jan 2019 - Finally the seed pod split open and I grabbed them before the seeds flew away. They are such tiny, fluffy things!

How it looks from the road

One relaxed chook!

Actually as she has hardly moved for 3 days, I think she is dying. Poor thing.

It was a cold morning - perhaps this chookie just was not yet warm enough to move, or perhaps she's guarding her eggs. Whatever - the proximity of the bobcat did not bother her at all!

I've moved her to a warmer spot in the garden with some warm cloths to keep her comfortable. Poor girl.

Footnote: She died, probably of coccidiosis. Poor wee thing.

Bits and bobs all go

Bits and pieces at end of the garden for now...

John's path and the pond garden go next

The concrete slabs go next...into the truck / skip

More pics of old back end coming down