Friday, September 29, 2017

Sorted a bunk

Mum gave me a single mattress which had been in one of the spare rooms - bed frames since collapsed.

I took it for the top bunk, and got around today to putting it together. Shame about the rest of the room, steps. I'm now a wee bit closer to getting the room sorted. It just takes so much time - the time I am usually required at work, actually!!

How nice it will be to have all this done. I've yet to re-arrange the pics on the wall properly. They look a bit haphazard here.

Duranta flowers

Am trimming up the back utility walk, cutting the overhanging trees from next door. It's a huge messy job in the heat. I wish they would cut them down.

Plenty of mess from the duranta trees, but the cute tiny purple flowers are pretty.

Spring clean for the chookie house

Big job. Messy. I've put the used straw and sawdust on the garden beds, and around the trees as mulch.

I've removed the covers which keep them warm at night, and am giving it a good air-out. I sprayed it with insect killer too. Hopefully that will kill some of the mites. I'm hoping the dry air might obliterate the rest.

Will put clean sawdust on later this afternoon, and close it up for them. Poor girls - they really need a new house, and I'm looking for a good one online and at Bunnings. Would prefer a plastic one which can be cleaned and disinfected but most of them are of fir-wood - which apparently is cheap and nasty. Also, Bernie put a good corrugated-iron top on this one and I am reluctant to let it go to waste. Maybe when I get new chooks?