Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Sold lots of seeds


Christmas Day, 2020


I got some great garden ideas from Pacific Fair, 2 Jan.


1 Jan, 2021 - we went to church

 Mum and I went to church down the road. Had a priest who was rather odd - he had officiated at a Steed Christening lately.

Looks like a cross between John the Baptist and Costa Gioradis (Gardening Australis, with the beard).

Not a great Mass, but Mum saw Margie and the Shannons, and I enjoyed a huge poinciana tree in the church grounds, as well as my floaty short dress. Even those light sleeves are too hot for this summer weather.

I helped Mum produce a lunch for all, and John, and then we all flopped and watched  couple of episodes of The Crown on Netflix.

2 Jan 2021 - we drove to the Gold Coast

 Anthony drove well, but it was a horrible day with him losing the car and being in a mood. John was hot and could not walk far.

I only got a glimpse of the sea. The cafe was awful.

The Gold Coast is dreadful, seedy and full of mid-Eastern men.

3 Jan, 2021: Greg's birthday at Hunter and Scout, Graceville

 Mum and I went for breakfast at Graceville on Jan 3 with the family.

I took photos of the decor, with plans to make my pergola look like this too.

Instead of that grassy fibre, I'd prefer lattice along the top, in black.

I've decided to paint the inner posts of the pergola black and the outer of them white.

I sold my garden beds

 Got sick of trying to grow veggies - the heat and the required water makes it almost impossible to keep up with the weeds in the summer, especially.

Sold them on Facebook Marketplace for $200, for the lot - 5 oval ones and two square ones. This covers my costs completely and I am pleased to let them go at that price.

The guy collected them Tim and Sha and I was pleased to see them gone. They live on acreage at Coominya, about an hour away.

Collection day - Dec 27th, 2020, and there's Tim coming to pick them up and put in his ute.

It's been a while since I posted.

 Christmas 2020 has come and gone, and we are into 2021. I feel quite unenthusiastic. It all just seems too much effort to have to put in - finding a job and carrying on. I'm not sure I can keep it all up.

This morning I tried to trim the front hedges but oh! I am so tired of that heavy clipper. Bernie across the road said I should try a smaller Ryobi battery, which makes good sense, and I shall buy one when my finances improve.

The tops of the hedges look great when they are trimmed and neat.

So, what follows is a series of posts to show what has gone one since I last posted, Dec 12, 2020. 

I have been so, so tired in the heat =- mostly 35C days. I tend to go for a nap at 2-ish pm, to escape the worst of it, and the searing light.

Following posts in no order of date or preference, but more by event or thought process!