Monday, January 20, 2020

What is this tree? Pink EUODIA

Saw this at my new place of work today and noticed that the lorikeets love it. I wonder what it is? I will make enquiries. Beautiful blossom.

I enquired via a Facebook Plant Identifier group and it is a pink Euodia. 
I've ordered one from Daleys Nursery.

15 May 2020 - It arrived! 

Puddies in da garden


A short video of the rain falling at 5.30 am on Saturday 18 Jan 2020, in my front yard. 
So good to have it, at last.

Foliage riot 16 Jan 2020

I love it all.

Taffy drinking

She looks so sweet here. It was actually a few days ago 16 Jan.

Grasshoppy visitor

16 Jan 2020 - I discovered this sweet little green fellow on my tomatoes -

Dog's breakfast is my back yard at this stage

New veiny things

The lighter one stolen as a cutting from the wee nursery near Churchie, the one with the plus-size clothing store called Adrft inside, and the cafe called The Smug Fig.

I love the white one and hope it spreads everywhere. Tradescantia Zebrina

New position

Yeah! I'm up and at it!