Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tutti, on the inside

Such a lazy girl!

Cosy kitty

Taffy, sitting in the papasan chair. She rarely does this. Perhaps it's warmer there today as there is a cooler breeze.

THIS is her more usual tactic - stay inside!

Queen's Wreath flowering again

I've been watering it quite a lot this season (just started Spring) as it has been so dry, and no rain on the weather report at all.

Pleased to see more flowers on their way.

The last sprig only lasted a short while, and the flowers fell off quickly. Ended up in bits on the front door mat, as per:

Lindy's Frangi + updates

It's almost a year since I was given this lovely frangi cutting. After 3 seasons, here is it now, soon to be in flower again, I hope.

Here it is in Spring, October 2, 2018: Start of new flowers

21 Nov 2018: New season's blooms

24 Nov 2018:

26 Nov 2018:

Book-tree: the second day of flower

Such a beauty!

Veggies gone to seed


