Thursday, February 4, 2016

Flit the bird #2

I fed him late in the afternoon, and put him to bed - he slept for a while, digesting I think.

Then he woke again but is sitting quietly in his box. He's looking quite alert and fluffy. When he hears my voice, he wobbles for more food!

He's the sweetest little critter and I shall miss him when he rejoins his fold.

Downside of chooks

They make a mess of poop!

However, when collected, it's great for the garden and compost!

Frangis are IN!

I wanted to wait for the next wet day, so the black, sticky ground was soft enough to dig. Today was it.

I put two frangipani's in the front (John's Garden) plus one 'yesterday, today, tomorrow' plant. I tried to place them in positions where they could be retained during future building/extension projects, but who knows - there may be some losses at that time.

Anyway, it looks nicer and greener for now.

I do think I may have to relocate the frangi closest to the viewer in this pic. Reckon it needs to be moved further towards the mail box area. For symmetry.

Loving that pink coral flower!

Living Room

Dressing room vignettes

Sooo in its early stages....I haven't properly unpacked yet.

Kitchen window view

Yep, the fence palings are crappy, and the pergola part needs to be rebuilt.
But the riot of flowers gives me joy every day!

...and look at that gorgeous pink hibiscus!

The run-off...(white seeds, purple mini-flowers, and twisted, spent hibes!).

View of water pots

They look much better with plants in them.

These are just extra frangis in smaller plastic pots, placed inside.

I don't have soil in the large pots yet, and - there needs to be a firm structure under the pots first so they don't sink into the ground. I'm waiting for garage / pathway to be built/re-built before I do that. Tiles or cement base or something.

In the meantime, frangis like to be pot-bound in order to flower, so I'll just increase the size of each small pot for a while, and then transplant them eventually into the large Viet pots either side of the driveway, wherever it ends up being.

I like how the grass is greener than it has ever been.

Wet morning vignettes

Out the back - then and now + updates

It's supposed to be the utilities area - water-tank, washing-line, and so on. At the moment, without a shed, it's the 'everything else' area. I try to keep it tidy and neat. This area looks its worst when wet, as this morning after heavy rain last night.

Dorothea, posing for the shot.

Oh well. All in good time. It looks better than it did before I moved in and cleaned it up, though.


and now...

I'm pleased with the gradual progression.

6 Aug 2020 - Looking better and will be even more tidy when my shed is built.

Things are growing!

It rained hard again last night, and while I can't be bothered (so tired this morning from freakishly hot night temps) to dig and plant the frangis in the front yard (John's garden), it is great to see how my plants are certainly growing, and are beginning to make my front yard look a bit smaller - not so vast and empty!!

I so hate the blue colour of the house - looking forward to having it painted out eventually.

But one CAN see little flecks of green where the plants are growing now, when viewing the house from a distance. This is good!

Above, from right to left: bougainvillea (purple), crepe myrtle (colour unknown as yet), tibouchina, bougainvillea (frosty leaf, red flower, I think), agapanthus (many, lilac and white), lily-pilly (3), red robin hedge (4), poinsiana, and climbing up against the house, pink wisteria.

So exciting!