Thursday, February 4, 2016

Things are growing!

It rained hard again last night, and while I can't be bothered (so tired this morning from freakishly hot night temps) to dig and plant the frangis in the front yard (John's garden), it is great to see how my plants are certainly growing, and are beginning to make my front yard look a bit smaller - not so vast and empty!!

I so hate the blue colour of the house - looking forward to having it painted out eventually.

But one CAN see little flecks of green where the plants are growing now, when viewing the house from a distance. This is good!

Above, from right to left: bougainvillea (purple), crepe myrtle (colour unknown as yet), tibouchina, bougainvillea (frosty leaf, red flower, I think), agapanthus (many, lilac and white), lily-pilly (3), red robin hedge (4), poinsiana, and climbing up against the house, pink wisteria.

So exciting!

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