Sunday, October 23, 2016

Lattice on front - first views

The sections go up - first one...

then two....

 Trent inspects things.... then...four...

from the inside at night....(things will need rearranging)...

and in the morning...

Trent will finish putting up the panels later in the week. 
Then there's the support frames to do - on another day - and the posts for the side-bits. 
Lots still to be done, but we're on our way. 

Boug growth

From this...

and this...

to this....

and this - thickening up now

Update 23 April, 2017 -  (below) looking good 2 prunes and espaliers later. 
6 months on from the date of first post above, to the day!

Ms Crepe Myrtle

Ms Crepe-Myrtle is doing nicely. I don't yet know what colour it is - she has not yet flowered - maybe this summer?

 And this is her in earlier days...I clipped her a bit during winter. I think her growth is stronger, which is good to see. Hoping for flowers...

And here she is 7 Dec 2018 - she has grown beautifully in two years. And she's white! Such lovely frilly flowers.

Red mandevilla over arch

Hoping this mandevilla will do as well as my first (pink), to grow all over this arch. I hope it likes full-sun because it's going to get a lot of it where it is currently planted. I love the rich colour - called 'Aloha Red', apparently.