Sunday, April 26, 2020

Latest ‘Then and Now’

July 2015 -

April 2020 -

Aug 1, 2015 -

April, 2020 -

May 5, 2020 - 

Purple leaf, white flower

Kitties in the Autumn sunshine

A beautiful Autumn morning. Going to be 29 C today. Lovin' it.

And me, swinging on the verandah...this is the life I want. No stress, just pottering about.

Lady and cat - a fav pic from Beijing.

Pink coral above the back

The bees love it, and I can hear their loud buzzing when I go outside.


The fallen blooms make a lovely pink mess at the back.

And I have St.John's Cross spider in residence - 

4 May 2020 -


Found out what it is, at last. Bought this little from the Salvos, and saw it at Bunnings eventually.

5 April, 2020 -

22 April, 2020 -


 Recall planting these in various places, but they have never yet flowered. It's only now that I notice they are beginning to look strappy and pleasant. Perhaps the shade of the above canopy is helping them to deal with the light and to retain moisture.

19 May 2020 - These are the clivias at the Karabin school - 

Butterfly and chrysalis

Funny little side-bit garden

This bit never seems to grow exuberantly. Perhaps it needs fertiliser.

Shell ginger

I can hardly wait until she flowers!

Just pretty

It's the day after Anzac Day. Yesterday I just faffed about in the garden, snipping and re-staking, re-locating and mowing, whip-snipping and raking. Very happy, peaceful day.

Little ginger

Planted this one a long time ago, and thought it had died, but the rhisome appears to have survived. Think it might need to be moved, since I believe it needs full sun.

Boug 'Penelope' + updates

Bought from the Salvos last December, she has been murdered a bit with my whippy-snip, but I am making a real effort to get her to grow and bloom again.

23 May 2020 - I've been careful to be watering her, and more careful with the whippy-snipper. So, now I have staked her, and she appears to be growing well, with flower bracts.