Sunday, December 22, 2019

Fleur's jungle creepers

5 Jan 2020 - 

I strung it up on a bit of fishing line to get it to climb up. Looking a wee bit burnt but I notice there is other new growth, further down.

New pots for my 'John's Garden'

This is how it used to look in this spot. I've cleaned it up and it's much improved, but has taken a long time to get here! Garden planning really is a 'long game'.

26 Dec 2019 - the little variegated ficus seems to have enjoyed last night's rain.

Two big pots

from Vietnam. They are water pots used in villages to store drinking water for the family. I grow ficus tress in them, and I love them (pots and trees) at my driveway gate.

Cleaned up the garden and new pots for the back

Potted up new pots for the front garden (John's), and trimmed the hedges, and tidied up the back, including repotting jasmines and ficus to grow up the back fence and over the top wire, to give shade in the summer (next).

These photos look tidy but stark, I wanted some 'before' photos to show where I started from.

And the front is growing well - some plants are even starting to touch!