Sunday, June 23, 2019

Front garden at dusk

I am hoping the new Summer season, starting later this year, will really develop this garden, and provide loads of shade.

Latest John's Garden - June to Oct, 2019

Planted new minamins and murrayas, so when they grow up, I can make them into a hedge and shape them into balls on the top. I hope.

2 Oct 2019 -  the little pink vinca flowers along the house appear to be surviving, and are coming into flower. Grow big, strong and bushy!

6 Oct 2019 - Arch went up and the little vincas are growing.

6 Oct 2019 - 

12 Oct 2019 - Some substantial rain at last!

10 Nov 2019 -  Progress shot -

Front gate area

Update: 14 Sept 2020 - sold some soil aerator sandals, which are hanging on the gate waiting for pick-up.

23 June 2019 - Spot Teeni near the gate to the 'secret garden'!

Playing with Tutti at dusk. I believe John's Garden is looking better than it ever has.

In the past, here's how it was - 

Last minute veggie gardening before a week of showers

Mucked about in the garden, trying to get last minute tasks done. Put newspaper on the compost - need to put down cardboard but ran out of time - it needs the tape taken off it.

Spread out and coffee grounds between the beds (to be covered with cardboard), straw as mulch in the plots and around the beds on the edge of the back garden. Trying to get the soil to regenerate. Also spread handfuls of Thrive around the yard as well.

It still looks dire, but perhaps a smidge less so.

At least the flowers are still growing - tiny bit of colour though they are.

Taffy supervising the action from her seat on the car, in the sun.

I believe that once things grow and are greened up, the lattice is covered with creepers, the patio finished painting, and the right lattice put up (get rid of the green thing), it will all look much better.