Tuesday, August 8, 2017

A lovely book

One of my favorite books in the school library - I would like to read it right through.

I want a dovecot too!

Minties cat

Tracey at work thought this little wrapper reminded her of me, with my tales of the kitties sleeping all over my bed (and me!).

Photos from the bed sleepers in 2018:

Page, the baby possum

Diana, one of the mothers of a boy at the school where I work, came up the stairs with her hands cupped over something small and furry. She was holding her hands out in front of her, saying, 'quick, I have to go', so I ended up the recipient of another wild creature.

It was a baby possum. I quickly emptied a photocopy paper box, crushed up some newspaper, wrapped him in some softer tissues and put him inside the box.

I called Wildlife people who said they will come at 7pm to collect him.

Poor baby. He's very cute. Tracey decided he should have a library name so he's called "Page the Possum'. Sweetie pie.