Saturday, July 6, 2019

Some great garden plan ideas, and my dovecot


Trying out new Dulux Domino

With my second sample pot of Dulux Domino, I decided to try it out on a few other small places to see how it might look.

I painted a section of the front verandah post, and does look smart. It will really improve the house, when the rest is painted white. I will be so pleased to get rid of the ghastly blue colour that is there now.
It can look rather starkly 'black', but I know it will fade with the weather, and in certain light, has a more tempered 'charcoal' look to it.

Then a wee bit on the back garden-wall. I love it. So sharp!

I tried a bit out the back on the lower edge of the retaining wall, where there is concrete. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I guess it would look better with, say, green ficus growing over it. Maybe I will proceed with that. Not sure yet (the paint, that is). Maybe it should just be white, a continuation of the fence colour, to make it look like it is all 'one'. Or maybe 'half-strength' Domino. Hmmm.

Then, I went back to the back fence, and tried to finish off the segment I had started a few days ago. As I had used some of the paint in other areas, I ran out just before I could finish it properly, but it doesn't look too bad for now. I'll finish it off another day.

And so, here is the final back garden pic for the holidays. I like the colour, and will proceed, when the weather is warmer, to spray paint the rest of it. Ohhh boyy, there is still SO much to be done around here!

Lastly (for now) here is the front garden, 'John's garden', at the end of the two weeks. I believe progress has been made. Still desperate for guttering and new roof (then I can get rid of that dreadful blue kiddy bath there, which catches the water and is, I must say, very useful as plant water).

It is all still so new and 'early' in the development of this place, even after 4 years. I guess these things can't be rushed without a pile of money. I'm still looking for that!

Moved plants around today

Stayed in bed till almost 10am! It is a grey, blustery winter day with the occasional sunshine beam.

I decided to do the last gardeney things for my holidays. So I moved some plants around. Just hope they survive now, of course.

First, I moved a rose, from the front to the side of the house. It's THIS pretty white one. And yep, this bench needs a refurb. It's on my agenda!

Then I moved the newest climbing rose over to the newly positioned archway at the front.

Then I extracted 10 small vinca plants out of the compost bed, and planted them along the front of the house. If they survive there should be a pretty bank of pink flowers along there. As far as I know, they are all pink, none white. If I can get ahold of some white, I'll plant those in between the pinks there too.I'll be planting mina-mins along there later as well.

More about vinca (also called periwinkle!) 

I removed the one and only nandina that I have from the front to the side garden, under a palm, so that it gets filtered, and not burning, sunlight.

Then, I planted pansies and petunias in pots either side of the painted fence panel.

I gave everything a very big drink, and that's it for this two weeks now gone.