Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The last time I can remember being happy or at least content

I was HERE - Mia Resort, Mui Ne, Vietnam. Yes - this is exactly how it looks. Oh how I do miss it.

Virginia creeper - Spring new growth

New shoots! I'd love it to take over the fence, but I wonder how it will do during it's first harsh Brisbane summer?

Update: 28 Oct 2017 - 

Book-tree powers on

Stunning. I just adore it.

Jacaranda shoots! + updates 26, 30 Sept, 30 Oct, 14 Nov 2017

I woke this morning, and on my garden rounds, discovered the jack had two new little green shoots at the top! And I thought it was dead! I do hope they grow into tree extensions.

This is a fuzzy photo, but the shoots are quite tiny just now. More, clearer photos as they grow. Exciting!

Update: 26 Sept 2017:

The shoots are much bigger and I am more confident of it's 'live' state! I am watering the tree quite vigorously each evening.

Update 30 Sept 2017:

Nice little sprays happening. I water it every day. We have had no rain for 3 months - expecting some this week to come, we hope.

Update 30 Oct 2017:

14 Nov 2017: