Saturday, December 23, 2017

House today 23 Dec 2017

You can see the flame tree in the front.

Those chair covers will be changed next year - hate the orange.

Taken from Lisa and Mark's place 11.50 am. Hot day.

Tutti and the cat

Ixora flowering plus updates

Was it the recent rain, water supplied by me, fertiliser or just growth? I'm not sure but these have finally taken, it seems. Hope they grow even bigger.

Update 10 Jan 2018 - 

Loads of flower buds! Perhaps it prefers a drier soil? Next door completely ignore their's, and it is huge, so maybe that's the secret. Ignore it!

Update 12 Feb 2018: Looking pretty big and healthy.

14 Feb, 2019 - They are flowering again due to my regular watering, due to the severe drought.

3 March 2019: