Saturday, July 13, 2019

Dynamic Lifter

Dynamic Lifter helps turns ordinary dirt into nutrient rich soil through its unique blend of organic nutrients. It contains chicken manure, fish meal, blood & bone and seaweed that are compressed and pelletised together to slowly release into soil. 

Other type - 

Mulberry is deciduous + updates with new Spring fruit!

27 August, 2019 - 
After being like sticks for what seems like a very long time, I notice there are swelling buds on the limbs of the mulberry! Yay!

5 Sept 2019 - Coming back into leaf!

11 Sept 2019 - Fruit sprouting!!

5 Oct 2019 -  They seemed to have turned red almost overnight!

Passionfruit troubles

It's my second passionfruit planted down here.

20 July, 2019 -


Small pot bought at the Salvos, flowering in the semi-shade.

15 July, 2019 - 

16 July, 2019 - 

20 July, 2019 - 

7 August, 2019 - 

John sawed down the extra long boug

It's a windy but sunny day. John came round with his saw to hack down the extra long bits of bougainvillea in the front. It's a vicious plant, and he got an injury for his trouble!

As it was -  long, tall, and hanging over the fence.

I'm going to keep it trimmed to the top-of-fence height from now on.

25 Sept 2019 -  and here she is, a few months on, having thickened up and kept short.

Palms new leaves

12 July, 2019 - new leaf - I love the mesh it makes before the fronds separate.

16 July 2019 - new leaf, different palm. Amazing how they unfold into separate leaf fronds.

21 July 2019 -

Book tree flowering + updates

This one must be a late flower-er as I am finally seeing multiple flowers long after the other trees of this type in the area. Could be because it is young? I have given it two drinks of diluted Seasol this week, so perhaps that has helped. God knows the soil here is pretty depleted and terrible, although I must say, most plants have grown where I have planted them, thankfully.

17 July 2019 - Believe it or not, there are multiple flowers on this wee tree.

20 July 2019 - 

24 July, 2019 -

30 July, 2019 - Many more blossoms today

5 August, 2019 - Lots of flowers!

7 August, 2019 - Lovely blooms!

26 August 2019 - LOts of flowers and SEED PODS!!!

Such a gorgeous pretty flower.