Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Fav early pics of new fence

And a week on...26 April, 2018: Looks fine to me! Gradually guiding and trimming the greenery up the fence.

New plants in beds in front - esp the gingko

Not to remain here permanently - just for 'baby-sitting' at the moment.
A dragonfruit plant (very small) and a tibouchina:

Two great descriptions of this tibouchina, HERE and HERE. Its flowers are so pretty, even as a small plant.

This gingko (below) I also love, but I wonder whether it will grow in a sub-tropical climate like ours. I thought they only grew in cold places. It's only small and is looking a bit sad and droopy - perhaps it will grow.

A bit more description HERE

Nov 24, 2018 - Update: I got rid of the beds out the front, and thought the gingko had died, but it has shot up again and I have it in a temporary pot at the moment. 

Here's one that was at the markets for sale (from Maree), but I didn't buy it.

Ashley completes the top fence panels

- all around the front of my land. Those bloody power poles - ugh!
A cloudy day with showers predicted.

  Me pleased with progress, and the look, so far. Me wonders whether in the future, the growth will be heavy and thick, and will need severe pruning. Will have to keep that monitored.

I see more potential for the garden with this type of barrier - places to sit and be private.

Top of Fence - Holes and Poles #2

All over the garden!