Wednesday, April 18, 2018

New plants in beds in front - esp the gingko

Not to remain here permanently - just for 'baby-sitting' at the moment.
A dragonfruit plant (very small) and a tibouchina:

Two great descriptions of this tibouchina, HERE and HERE. Its flowers are so pretty, even as a small plant.

This gingko (below) I also love, but I wonder whether it will grow in a sub-tropical climate like ours. I thought they only grew in cold places. It's only small and is looking a bit sad and droopy - perhaps it will grow.

A bit more description HERE

Nov 24, 2018 - Update: I got rid of the beds out the front, and thought the gingko had died, but it has shot up again and I have it in a temporary pot at the moment. 

Here's one that was at the markets for sale (from Maree), but I didn't buy it.

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