Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Awning for front door / awnings and blinds


Took these pretty pics on my morning walk this morning.

Pretty house round the corner -

Strelitzia nicolai

Growing one at the back, in the newly established tropical section. will move both my other strelitzias to the back now too.

20 August, 2019 - The nicolai.

5 Sept, 2019 -

11 April 2020 - with grasshopper! They have been prolific this autumn.

22 June 2020 - Growing bigger!

9 Aug 2020 - 

17 August 2020 -

Biggest mango tree neighbourhood#4

A really bumper crop too!

John's sunflower

Need to get some irises

These are en masse down at the local shop, and are not well tended, but still they seem to survive. I want some, and this colour too (not the yellow, which is a feature of the Churchie grounds).


Feeding the magpies

These two have been daily visitors for a few weeks now. I make sure I have some protein bits for them each day.