Saturday, June 13, 2020

Red boug cuttings

I took a branch, left it for a few days before I could get around to it, and snipped it into sections, then used hormone powder as I saw in a youtube video, and planted them. Hope they take root.

Little pigface

Pinched a bit from a neighbours garden (around the block) and planted it near the orange creeper. It appears to have taken. It does get bright light all day so that has helped plus my watering. Can just see one pink flower beginning to open.

August 30 - has grown a lot, and I am intending to grow it in other areas now too, since it seems to take quite well, as long as it has full sun.

Leaves continuing to fall from the frangis

They have been losing leaves for a while now, but with some flowers still appearing!

July 7, 2020 - Lindy's Frangi is almost bare!

10 July 2020 - 

18 July 2020 -