Friday, April 6, 2018

New lights on front

Chookie shade

The girls resting from the hot sun, in the front garden.

Reno - Electricians - out the back of the house

Working out the back. Dan and Jordan.

Coach light installed at the back. Looks nice. Needs a good paint job around it now.

Apparently they need to spend another day here, as my inside work will take some time too. Apparently the lights are not earthed, and to do so, the boys will have to raise the roof sheets to send down wires to earth them. This is due to the age of the house. It will cost but it has to be done - so I've asked for it to be done next week.

See ya next time boys. At some future time, I will need wiring to power lights at the carport and shed, and to move the meter box to the front of the house.

Reno - Electricians - The lights and wiring continues

Dan on the roof, Zach out there in the hot sun drilling holes for the coach light wiring.

How lucky we are to have such a beautiful blue sky, such fresh air, and such a lovely vista.

One of the coach lights.

Sensor light.

4 front coach lights up! Looks good. Needs that repaint (and new roofing) to make them pop.

New, higher hockey sticks, with bracing, for the power lines! The shed and carport can now be built!

Singapore white boug + Updates to end May 2019

Seems to like its pot and is finally flowering.

16 April 2018: continuing to do well so far. I love the white flower.

I put this one in the ground during January 2019, and it has suffered a couple of lashings from the whipper-snipper. It seems to be hardy enough to be growing again though. I so hope it will, as it is so pretty.

Update: 21 March, 2019 - I had moved it out of it's pot and into the ground near the front fence, and sadly, it got a bit damaged due to whip-snipping and so on. After drought, and then a deluge of rain, it seems to have started to get its feet. It's growing again, slowly.

10 May 2019:

20 May 2019:

22 May 2019:

Orange boug

Jamaican Orange boug appears to have taken in its new spot:

This was January - 3 months ago:

Reno - Stage 2 - Step 2 - Plans for carport and shed

Will go in this position...(this shot taken 2015)

Blue paint lines to show where the carport and back extension will meet.

Reno - Stage 2 - Step 1 - Electricians #1

Strybos Electricians putting in sensor lights, coach lights, moving the cables from the power pole, installing an outside point or two, affixing new light shades, and fixing power points inside the house.

Dan and Zach (the younger). Jordan joined at lunch time (around 1 pm).

Short poles holding the wires - 

Dan on the roof.

Longer 'hockey sticks' at last! Ready for shed and carport construction there-under.

Lights, still in boxes, bought at Aldi, all laid out for installation.

Zach preparing the cabling for the coachlights.

They'll have to come back for some extra installing when the carport is up, for lights there and for the front extension, lights on the front of the house (towards the main road). I also want the ceiling fan put up (that Anne gave me), and the bathroom heater gadget, after the new roof is on. Phew!

Mum's garden at Easter



My verandah table setting

Anne's atrium

Garden shot

Still a work in progress!