Saturday, April 18, 2020

Easter flowerings

The mango tree from the neighbour's yard next door

The strelitzia about to flower at the back - yay!

The lovely red frangi at the front flowering for the first time.

Bradley trims the hedges

Bradley Cameron - 22 Pine St. Cost me $60. Great bloke. He did a top job and it all looks so neat. he even raked up and took the bits to the tip!

Hardenbergia growth

Seems to be going quite well - I can see leaves and shoots coming out through the fence.

Easter assorted

Easter cats

19 April 2020 -

I trimmed the frangis

I want a kind of 'horizontal' shape to my frangis, where they are parallel to the fence line and hopefully, when they are big, give loads of shade to my windows and garden along the line of the house.

I decided to do it this morning, as I was up sweeping the gutters anyway, and as winter is approaching (the leaves are already falling off these plants), then it's a good time to shape them for the next season (a few months away, for sure).

I gave cuttings away via the local Facebook Marketplace site -