Monday, March 4, 2019

Laying concrete slabs - tips to avoid

Use old concrete as pavers

More info HERE

and on Pinterest HERE

Garden changes over time

THEN, 2016

THEN, 2018

NOW, 2019

Baskets for sale

I will have some large baskets to sell soon. It's interesting that Harold's the gift shop in Toowoomba, sells it's small ones for $100!

My jumbo is 58cm X 60 cm, so there.

5 October, 2019 - Mine -

12 Oct 2019 -  sold them for $100 for both. Lady who bought them, 'Anna', told me she works from SEQ Water in Brisbane, and that currently our dams are %60 full. She said we would be on water restrictions from next Feb 2020.

New white ixora (front garden)

A white one this time - White Malay. I planted it and hope it flies.

Update: 23 March, 2019 -

26 Dec 2019 - It hasn't grown much, despite all my watering. Perhaps it needs more fertiliser. Pathetic little flowers. At least it's still alive.

Garden this morning 4-6 March

I sat outside on one of these chairs for hours on Sunday afternoon. It was so cool and relaxing. My kitties sat with me too. I just marvelled over the effort I have been to, to create this pretty view, and how lovely it is. As it sways in the breeze, it's just so gratifying. I just want it to grow and grow. It was a little overcast today, and showery from time to time, but we are still desparate for more rain.

I have a hose leak, so I am using that to move around from spot to spot, to let moisture sink it deeply at various plant-points.

Look how small are the magnolia and the poinsettia at the moment! Let's hope they both live to be big and strong and shady!

The flowering of the cherry allamanda (base of arch) has been enabled and encouraged by a good soaking from my leaky hose!

Cigar plant

Bought from the Salvos store.

There were 3 plants in one pot - bonus! So I planted it in 3 locations.

Update 11 March:

This one looks look ok so far. I am keeping the water up to them.

Update: 25 March, 2019 - 

This location appears to be doing well. I have been watering it.

5 Oct 2019 - With loads of water through the drought, she is looking good - 

22 Oct 2019 -  I staked the both of them, one must have died as I can't find it anywhere! These two are increasing in volume and I like them very much.

20 Nov 2019 -

16 May 2020 - the one in the corner near the front gate is finally looking healthier - 

Homage to the tree

My beautiful poinciana tree.I decided to adorn it with some dangles and chimes.

My only concern is that these will attract too much attention from passers-by and they will think this is young hippie or druggy place.

I even moved a crystal to the flame tree. The pink book tree has a mirror dangly. I like putting these little things in the foliage.

This was 'the tree' in March 2016 -  today, after 3 years, it has grown tall, strong and beautiful.

There are now branches approaching the roof!

6 May, 2019:

23 March 2020-

Moved the potato vine yet again

Poor thing is just holding on for dear life. This is it's third of fourth move!

I think this will be it's last, or else one more to the edge of the garden where it was before but where it was burnt by the sun - perhaps a winter repositioning might help it take better.

I flooded it today with the leaky hose, and hope that might help it settle.

Variegated ficus

Moved the poor thing yet again. This time I hope she has found her forever spot. I really want her to climb up the wall/fence.

Also want the little solid colour one next to it (right) to do the same. They need a lot of water.

2 April 2019 -

20 April, 2019: Growth is happening!

4 May 2019: 

13 July, 2019 - It's had a drink of diluted Seasol this week, so hopefully this will push it's progress along a wee bit now. I've pushed in next to it a sprig of Anne's white geranium. It's a really nice plant and I do want it to grow big and transplant it round the yard.

10 Oct 2019 - I removed the white geranium from the pot and pot it in the veggie patch. Methinks it does not like it there, and I will have to pot it up on it's own.

Garden cloche

'Dollar-store cloche', as the American blogs call it. It's actually a waste paper basket, upside down with a door knob attached. I've put it over the poinsettia for the time being, as I frequently step into that hole - hopefully this way, I will more readily avoid it. I'd like to make some more for my future veggie plot - yest to be established this year - to keep the birds off the young plants.