Monday, March 4, 2019

Ivory curl tree/s

Ivory Curl tree. 
New, from the Salvos shop.

I hope it lives. I like them but I wonder whether this spot is too hot for it? It's Autumn now, so cooling down a tad.

This area looks a mess at the moment, but it won't always be so.

17 July 2019 - Growing well tho still small.

22 Oct 2019 -  I moved this one from the back-side of the garden, to the front, on the carport side. It seems as though it has not handled this move, and looks dead. I had ordered another one from Daley's Nursery, which arrived, and so I planted it beside the first, hoping the first night recover (and then I could move the second one).

12 Jan 2020 -  I discovered it was not growing so well here, so I have potted it for the time being.

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