Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Thick little corner in development - Nov 2020 - Jan 2021

 Down the end of the front garden, near the red robins, there is a golden cane palm, a fox-tail palm, and the red abutilon which are very close together. 

I considered momentarily removing the golden cane, but have decided, for the moment, that it can stay. 

I am after a thick barrier near the road, to block both sound and vision on my side, from the traffic. The golden cane will have to be kept in check, but I think a shady section down there will be nice, especially if the gazebo is positioned there, eventually.

So far, the road-barrier is doing well - 7 Nov 2020. The golden cane in question is to the left, in the below pic, of the poinciana.

17 Jan 2021 - I noticed this morning how big the trees were becoming, and how nice it will be, when they are huge and providing shade. The house is completely secluded with the one level - just how I like that!

Flame tree Spring-Summer season, Nov-Dec 2020

 11 Nov 2020: Small blooms starting - 

27 Nov 2020 -  I decided to stop watering it, and the leaves are falling quite rapidly now. The flowers are more evident.

29 Nov - 

Dec 6 -

Dec 10

New season white crepe myrtle, Nov 2020 - Jan 2021

 She has developed good leaf coverage and I am looking for buds soon. She has reached as high as the fence. Cat for scale!

14 Nov 2020 -  I trimmed off those two taller spikes this weekend, and the tree looks more in balance now.

15 Nov, 2020 - white crepe myrtle, 'in-context'!

Jan 17, 2021 - She is taller than the fence now (over 1.8 metres), and still a lovely white.

21 Nov 2021 - Bumper show!

Garden pics