Saturday, January 26, 2019

Pretty profusion

I'm liking the way things are mixing and matching together.

I put stones down the side

Looks better, if temporary.

Red frilly-edged hibiscus

I am pleased that this is different from the other two pink ones. I am not looking for a white one, the Swan Lake they have at Churchie, in their gardens. I have asked their gardener, Wayne, if he can locate one for me.

I love this red one.

Leopard lilies

A profusion of them! I have been watering every evening - I guess they like it. So pretty!

(Previous posts HERE and HERE)

30 Jan, 2019: Still flowering, which is lovely!

Today, after mowing

Another scorcher of a day. I mowed but there wasn't much growth due to the relentless heat all week.
I am proud of it's growth and neatness.

A month ago... much greener!