Thursday, December 26, 2019

Today I felt exhausted

and so I had a very lazy day. Was in bed for most of it. Mum went to Anne's alone. Dubbs has decided to leave and go back to Cobar. It's all pretty emotionally exhausting, being involved with them all.

Christmas Day 2019


Hardenbergia updates

So far, so good with this purple one. I do love the familiar shape of the leaves (I had one in Albury, a white one which grew huge).

17August 2020 - flowers! I noticed these when I was trimming the hedge on the street side.

John's Garden on Boxing Day 2019

Garden shots on Boxing Day 26 Dec 2019

It rained again last night - second night in a week! Things will go green and berserk shortly! It's a blessing though.

27 Dec 2019 - 

28 Dec 2019 - 

DNA test and updates

Thank goodness Christmas Day is over. I end up doing much of the work. Not fun. I am tired today and it is humid again although grateful for last night's rain for the garden and our water supplies.

I did the Ancestry DNA test this morning - I spat into the tube and will be sending it off today. I wonder how long it will take to return with results?

Got it all back mid-Feb 2020 - white as white can be, me.