Saturday, October 12, 2019

House decor

Added some bits to the outside for decoration. That rose reminds me of the shape of the hamsa hand, and the prayer!

...and there's a smile on the face of the shadow of the arch!

How pretty is the afternoon sun, after the rain?

Bauhinia seed sale

I decided to sell the white bauhinia seeds I got from ebay. I sold them for $1 for 10 seeds. I'm amazed that they have all sold! Calling them 'Love trees' when the sales flagged seemed to revive interest!

It's a good idea to sell them, as I don't know how old or how viable they are. I mean, I reckon some would grow, but I want fresh ones, from real trees in the street.


Cuttings of half-ripe wood, with the leaves removed, in moist sand July/August in a frame. Gentle bottom heat is usually required. Cuttings root only with difficulty.

I still have some that I collected from the trees in Barker Street, East Brisbane, last year, and will plant those soon.

22 Oct 2019 - Look at my tree, laden with pods!

The little eucalypt (eucalypt #2)

Free from the council. Not sure this is the final place for her, but just wanting her to get growing first.

28 Oct 2019 - Looks like there is growth. Perhaps she has taken.

Through the dirty lattice

Tree wisteria in the garden - background

This is how she looks today - getting taller!


3 Jan 2019 - I potted up the stick that was left of the original plant, and it sprouted again. I have put it in the ground near the new pergola.

For extra history about this wee plant, see Tree Wisteria #2 HERE

29 Oct 2019 - Keep going, girl! When it reaches to top of the pergola, I will start snipping the crown
to produce a few branches.

9 Nov 2019 - 

11 Jan 2020 - I trimmed off some of the branches which were rubbing against the pergola, so there looks like a gap there, but it's all ok.

1 Nov 2020 - it has grown a lot in the past month, since the start of Spring. I had given it some potash so maybe that helped. I told it that unless some serious progress was made before Christmas, it was going to be pulled out of my garden. So far, I like I see, but I also want some flowers.

9 Nov 2020 - During her visit, Sue my friend from Cairns said there would be many people who would pay big money to have one of these trees as big as this!!

14 Nov 2020 - 

Green wall

I have a green wall along my front fence! It's beautiful even on a dull day. I love the mixture of foliage. One day, it will be tall enough to block out the ugly power poles!

There are still some gaps in the 'wall', but I plan to use hardenbergia to cover them up from the road. I have sent away for hardenbergia pink and white seeds (from an Australian plant seller on ebay).

Wet garden on a dull, rainy day. Still beautiful!