Sunday, November 17, 2019

Veggie garden end - drought

I've decided not to continue watering the veggie garden - it/s just too hot and with no rain, it's impossible keeping the water up to everything.

Brother helps #2 - progress out the back

Since he's living with me for a while, Dubbs has been doing some odd jobs here and there, with his drill.

I am very pleased with progress so far out the back. I need two more birdy panels, and bit more coverage for the pergola and some vines to creep over the fence.

17 Nov 2019 - Day 2 - bought two more panels to complete the look. They were all only $19 a piece, and I am proud that they made from 100% recycled plastic.

20 Nov 2019 -

Book tree seeds #2

I stopped at Booval on a stinking hot 40 degree C afternoon to, at last, collect seeds from the bauhinia's I had been admiring for months and years, along the street.

I didn't care if people thought I was odd but I got plenty of white ones, and a darker pink colour than mine.

Can't wait to try to plant them!My friend Sue, who works for a nursery in Cairns has asked me to send some to her so her boss can grow them!