Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Lattice #2

Trent has tennis elbow and has a great deal of trouble with his right arm, so I might have to really stretch my patience and wait for him to recovered before he comes to finish putting up the final panels. Gad.
I gave the lawn a haircut this afternoon, as it supposed to rain over the next 3 days or so, and I didn't want it to look raggy, like a jungle.

I took this photo as the chookies were in the middle of the lawn, and just on sunset. A pretty pink glow over everything. I can hardly wait for more work done on the house, starting with the completion of the lattice out the front. Mum's jacaranda above the house looks lovely.

I know what's needed next - a garden bed out front, viz:

First passionfruit (vine #1)!

It fell off the vine #1 and I collected it from the ground.

Ate it - slightly sour and not as golden or fruity as I would like, but quite juicy.