Monday, February 12, 2018

Paving idea

Not sure whether I would prefer paving or rocks - I lean towards rocks as they are easier to place and less mucking about with concrete, but the paving here looks good too. Neat.

Rebel pink hibiscus

Where I work, there are lovely white hibiscus in the gardens, which have grown a lot over the summer.

I noticed one stray pink flower recently. Must be a wild gene! A beautiful colour.

Reinforced retaining wall

Shane Stephenson was right - these are concrete not plastic! This was taken at Bunnings. These are for a small retaining wall at the back of my place when the reno enclosing the space below ensues.

Newest mandevilla

Beautiful palest pinky-white. It seems to be growing ok at the moment. The buds are gorgeous.

I did NOT see this caterpillar (monarch butterfly, I believe) until I edited this photo and enlarged the flower!!

23 Oct 2018: