Sunday, October 15, 2017

Third azalea bed

Decided to let the chookas do what they like with the compost, and to free up this square garden bed for another azalea section.

Look how green and lush it all looks after the rain!

I need to monitor the soil quality for the azaleas versus the lavender.

Gasp! It's all turning into a garden!

Little vignette

Raining - hard - predicted for next 3 days.

Little pic to cheer me. The star jasmine is growing well, after a very slow start.

It's nice in a way. Forces one to stay inside and rest when it's so wet out. I can't be bothered doing anything at all except sitting and listening to the rain. I need this rest.
Fortunately, I had managed to mow all the lawns yesterday. They were just dry enough to get done. They will need doing in no time again, plus whipper-snipping. Sigh!