Thursday, October 17, 2019

Indian Hawthorn

Picked this up from the Salvos plant store in Bundamba on the weekend - I treated myself and went a bit mad. It took me some enquiries to find out which plant this was, but I am very pleased with it, and love the colour and little flower. 

Apparently it makes a good shrub and hedge, so I need to decide where it's going to go in the garden.

19 Oct, 2019 -  bought a pot from the Reject Shop ($20) to put this in today, and decided on location. I think the pink will look lovely there, esp when the plant thickens up.

 Indian Hawthorn come in a variety of pink and white colours. It's a member of the rose family, Rosaceae.

I think mine might be this one - Enchantress

or this one, Moness
and HERE



Pink Cloud

Pink Lady

In some areas, it is considered a weed - 

16 Jan 2020 - new growth on the hawthorn in the ground...