Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Little pink flower thing

 I pinched a snip of this from Bernie and Jeanette's (across-the-road neighbours) a few weeks ago when they were on holiday. It looked so cute blossoming under the blood orange tree. The pink flower is a gorgeous tinge. I put it near the front gate, and it seems to be doing ok in the semi-shade there.

These photos really do not show it's true beauty. I will try photoing it again on the weekend. The pink of the flower is really much more intense than this. I wish I knew the name of this plant.

Teena posing

 She's so beautiful!

Flame Tree leaves falling for the season

 I noticed the flame tree had a leaf high towards the top which was rotting and almost dropping off. I believe it is getting towards the time when the leaves begin to fall off, and the flowers come out (Aug to Dec).

Garden arch 2, and rose 3

 Well, the rose has really begun to take off on this archway and I am so pleased with the progress. Whilst I was tying up grown ends yesterday afternoon, I noticed that lo! there were new blossoms - the first for this rose and this arch!

So lovely!

August 27, 2020 - 

Loads of buds - 

20 Sept -

Jacaranda - new season 2020

19 Aug  - New leaves, getting bigger all the time!

August 13 - tiny new leaves, visible at dusk.

5 October 2020 - and blooming!

October 10, 2020 - 

October 11, 2020 - 

31 Oct - Eventually I  am hoping it will grow tall and bushy enough to 
cover the view of that horrible power pole outside my place.

Tutti posing


October 8, 2020 -

Mon 5 October, 2020 -